The .GAL domain was created for Galician language speakers to have a tool to promote their language and culture. Websites with content in Galician have now their own domain extension!
If you operate in Galicia or your website speaks of Galician culture, the .GAL domain extension is the most appropriate to host your website. Let's make grow this domain extension!
The citizens of Galicia and lovers of this land have a new communication channel: a .gal email! Nominalia's .GAL domain includes 3 personalized email accounts with the domain of your choice. If your land is Galicia, don't miss the opportunity to have a .gal email!
There are no specific requirements at all for .gal domains.
Yes, it can be registered by a companies or individuals.
Yes, the domain must have a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 63 characters.
Accepted characters: digits (0-9), letters (az), and hyphens (-). The hyphen cannot appear as the first or last character of the domain name, nor can it contain two consecutive hyphens (-) in the third and fourth positions.