The .de extension is Germany's official top-level domain (ccTLD). Registering a .de domain is essential for anyone who has a business relationship with Germany, resides there, or wants to protect their trademark there.
Registering a .de domain is a package of services that, in addition to the domain, includes a publisher to create a web page, 3 email accounts, unlimited space for HTML pages, DNS management and many more services.
If you want to operate in Germany or protect your brand there, the .de domain is a sensational marketing tool to enhance your website.
There are no specific requirements at all for .de domains.
Yes, it can be registered by a companies or individuals.
Yes, the domain must have a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 63 characters.
Accepted characters: digits (0-9), letters (az), and hyphens (-). The hyphen cannot appear as the first or last character of the domain name, nor can it contain two consecutive hyphens (-) in the third and fourth positions.