.ru - Russian Federation


www. .ru

Registration rules for .ru domain:

  • No requirements
  • Can be registered both by companies and individuals
  • Requested documents: copy of the document confirming state registration for legal entities, passport copy for natural persons
  • Number of characters: 2-63 extension excluded
  • Accepted characters: "a - z", "0 - 9", and "-". However, these characters cannot appear as the first or the last characters of the domain name. If next to each other, they are not allowed as third or fourth character

Why choose a .ru domain?

Register a .ru domain, it includes free, unlimited web space and three email boxes with 2 GB each!
The .ru is the ideal extension for those who want to protect their name and brand in Russia.



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Nous Dominis (gTLDs)

Noves extensions de domini per a tots els sectors


Protecció de Marca Online

No has trobat l’extensió que buscaves?

Amb Online Brand Protection, registra el teu nom en totes les extensions i promociona la teva marca a tot el món.


Taxació de dominis

El domini que volies no està disponible?

Esbrina quant val i si és possible aconseguir-lo!
