
The domain dedicated to your business

New domains


Domain .men

"Men and women think differently, live differently and, most importantly, speak different languages". If you think along the same lines of the American psychologist John Gray - who in 1992 published his masterpiece Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus - the top-level domain .men is for you! More and more products and services are now dedicated exclusively to the male universe and the extension .men is the right tool to capture this growing market.

Now your Domain .men includes:

  • Free WordPress
  • 1 GB web hosting
  • 3 x 2 GB email boxes
  • Website creator Simply Site Micro
  • cPanel
  • WebMail

Trademark owner?

Discover the services dedicated to the trademark owners, such as the Trademark Clearinghouse - TMCH (the only global database of registered brands authorized by ICANN), or the Domains Protected Marks List - DPML (block of the registrations of similar/equivalent domains of your brand in over than 200 of the new extensions).

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