
The domain dedicated to your business

New domains


Domain .community

Organised community is a part of human nature. We all belong to a family, a city, a country, a continent. In recent years, however, the human desire for community has spread across the Internet through the sharing of common interests. Now, there are thousands of communities that shouldn't miss the opportunity to obtain the new domain name .community. It will especially help your community to set itself apart on Internet, where every day new and different websites are created.

Now your Domain .community includes:

  • Free WordPress
  • 1 GB web hosting
  • 3 x 2 GB email boxes
  • Website creator Simply Site Micro
  • cPanel
  • WebMail

Trademark owner?

Discover the services dedicated to the trademark owners, such as the Trademark Clearinghouse - TMCH (the only global database of registered brands authorized by ICANN), or the Domains Protected Marks List - DPML (block of the registrations of similar/equivalent domains of your brand in over than 200 of the new extensions).

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